14 January 2016

This describes a quick way of installing Theano on a Windows machine, based on the official general instructions.

  1. Install the latest python with numpy, pip package manager, etc. by installing AnacondaCE. Note: at the time of writing, Anaconda PYTHON 3.5 is not stable on Windows due to missing build of libpython in condo that’s compatible with Python 3.5. I recommend installing Anaconda Python 2.7.

  2. Once installed, run the following in Anaconda Prompt

     conda install mingw libpython
  3. Create a directory where you want to enlist Theano source code and run

     git clone git://github.com/Theano/Theano.git
     cd Theano
     python setup.py develop
  4. Verify that Theano is properly installed by

     import theano
  5. Create HOME system variable and place .theanorc.txt Theano config file inside the folder that HOME points to.

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